Associations between work-related factors and sickness presenteeism: a prospective study using the national French working conditions survey ...
Objectives This study investigated the ergonomic and safety hazards of small-scale miners in one of the largest small-scale mining area in the Philippines which is the area of Itogon, Benguet. Methods ...
Aims: To assess mortality and cancer morbidity in Canadian petroleum workers and explore exposure-response relations for specific petroleum agents. Methods: A total of 25 292 employees hired between ...
We aim to quantitatively synthesise available epidemiological evidence on the prevalence rates of workplace violence (WPV) by patients and visitors against healthcare workers. We systematically ...
3 Ear Nose and Throat Department, Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Spital, Vienna, Austria 4 Ear Nose and Throat Department, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria Correspondence to Professor Michael Kundi, ...
OBJECTIVES To assess the occurrence and persistence of two restrictively defined neck-shoulder disorders among sewing machine operators. To assess factors associated with the development of ...
Objectives To provide systematically evaluated evidence of prospective associations between exposure to physical, psychological and gender-based violence and health among healthcare, social care and ...
Aims: (1) To describe the prevalence of fatigue among employees in different work schedules (day work, three-shift, five-shift, and irregular shift work); (2) to investigate whether different work ...
Occupational exposure limits (OELs) are tools to help employers protect the health of those who may be exposed to chemicals in their workplace. Under the United Kingdom Control of Substances Hazardous ...
1 Department of Health Organization, Policy and Economics, Maastricht University, The Netherlands 2 Department of Epidemiology, Maastricht University, The Netherlands 3 Department of Medical Sociology ...
Correspondence to Professor Zuxun Lu, Social Medicine and Health Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology Tongji Medical College, Wuhan 430030, China; zuxunlu{at}; Professor ...
Introduction Mercury is used to extract the gold from the ore in artisanal small-scale gold mining areas (ASGM). The toxic mercury is a serious health hazard for miners and the general population. It ...