Khurram Ali Shafiq's book "" awarded Rs. 5 Lacs and Gold Medal for best Urdu book written on Iqbal. Lahore: Iqbal Academy Pakistan has announced the Presidential Iqbal Award for the best Urdu book ...
Iqbal’s Idealist Critique Of Hawking’s Materialist Concept of Time Asad Shahzad Abstract Hawking’s materialist and sectional concept of time has been assessed by Iqbal’s concept of real time. A ...
The exigency of life in all is maintained by you ...
O zephyr! Convey my message to the one wrapped ...
IQBAL DAY IN CAIRO THE U. A. R. Supreme Council for Art and Literature, Cairo, organised an elaborate function on the occasion of Iqbal Day. Dr. Mohammad Abdul Kadir Hatem, Deputy Prime Minister for ...
We should lift our dearest chattel from the China’ s temple ...
You make its ways the quicksilver’s ways.
All students of Iqbal are aware of his stupendous versatility and they try to grasp its true significance in order to gain an estimate of his greatness. But few appreciate the fact that this ...
As mountain’s silence by the brook’s melodious harp ...
If you had not come I would have had no occasion ...
Liberty, fraternity and equality, were the catchwords which inspired the dawn of the “Reign of Man” in 1789 and unleashed the profound creative energy which have since transformed our world to an ...