The Alte Pinakothek in Munich has revealed the results of a research project into the following Double Portrait, which recent technical and art historical analysis has shown to be a rare work by the ...
The dealers Rob Smeets Gallery have announced on their Instagram account that the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts has acquired the following Presentation of the Virgin by Lavinia and Prospero Fontana. A ...
Frans Hals (1582/83-1666) is rightfully considered one of the most important seventeenth-century Dutch painters. His portraits are admired for their virtuoso brushwork and their seemingly spontaneous ...
The Louvre in Paris have shared news of their latest exciting conservation project, the cleaning of Andrea Solario's Virgin and Child. Dated to 1507-10, the transformation of these vivid electric ...
News from Italy that Massimo Stanzione's Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple, a painting which had originally formed part of a cycle in the chiesa dell’Annunziata di Giugliano in Campania, has ...
News from Paris (via. Drouot) that the following Portrait of Elisabeth Vernon, Countess Harcourt by Angelika Kauffman soared to an impressive 244,720 EUR over its modest 12,000 - 15,000 EUR estimate ...