Analysis and engagement with partners working on ecosystem services transactions, policies and laws over the past 10 years have demonstrated a clear need to better understand the legal and ...
IUCN WCPA Geoheritage Specialist Group In 2013, a Geoheritage Specialist Group was created under IUCN’s World Commission on Protected Areas (IUCN-WCPA). The group provides specialist advice on all ...
This study identifies the relationships that exist between World Heritage cultural landscapes and protected areas, and documents the practical management and governance associations that occur between ...
Invasive alien species have been prioritised as a key issue to discuss in international policy fora, including Objective 2 of the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development 2016-2025 and ...
Over 6,000 animals, fungi and plants at risk of extinction are threatened by climate change and severe weather on The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™, across every region of the world. The Red ...
In March 2016, the failure of the Fundão Dam killed 19 people, destroyed villages, and spread mud along 670 km of the Rio Doce basin in the Brazilian states of Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo. A ...
Plastics only began to be produced in large quantities following the second world war – but plastic pollution has since become one of the most serious threats humanity faces. By 2015, 60% of all ...
With more than twenty representatives from various organisations joining, the event also served as a timely opportunity to celebrate IUCN’s 75th anniversary. As a culmination of its stakeholder ...
The IUCN Contributions for Nature platform shows how IUCN Members' conservation and restoration actions are helping to achieve global goals. This will be valuable in measuring progress towards the ...
Healthy mountain ecosystems help buffer the impacts of climate change for local communities, wildlife and downstream populations worldwide. Locally, mountain people rely on their surrounding ...
In transboundary mountain ecosystems across Nepal, Bhutan, Peru, Colombia, Kenya, and Uganda, IUCN and partners have worked from 2017 - 2022 to implement ecosystem-based adaptation approaches to ...
This Group is a global network of experts who volunteer their time and expertise to build a scientific and practical foundation for the conservation of orchids (Orchidaceae) Orchidaceae are the ...