Analysis and engagement with partners working on ecosystem services transactions, policies and laws over the past 10 years have demonstrated a clear need to better understand the legal and ...
IUCN WCPA Geoheritage Specialist Group In 2013, a Geoheritage Specialist Group was created under IUCN’s World Commission on Protected Areas (IUCN-WCPA). The group provides specialist advice on all ...
This study identifies the relationships that exist between World Heritage cultural landscapes and protected areas, and documents the practical management and governance associations that occur between ...
Invasive alien species have been prioritised as a key issue to discuss in international policy fora, including Objective 2 of the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development 2016-2025 and ...
La biodiversidad juega un papel importante en la vida diaria de un hotel. Desde la comida del restaurante a la madera de los muebles y acabados, a las comodidades del spa, los productos de la ...
En julio de este año, como parte del proyecto Redes Amazónicas en Acción, se llevaron a cabo talleres clave dirigidos a las comunidades nativas Ticuna (Comunidades nativas Nueva Galilea de Callarú, ...
The number of amphibian reintroductions and other conservation translocations has increased in recent decades. Amphibian reintroductions are challenging and may not always work, but amphibian ...
Southern African Plant Specialist Group (SAPSG) is charged with assessing the status of southern African endemic plants, and ensuring sustainability and adequate protection of these plants. I have ...
Healthy mountain ecosystems help buffer the impacts of climate change for local communities, wildlife and downstream populations worldwide. Locally, mountain people rely on their surrounding ...
The greatest challenge to conservation of polar bears is ecological change in the Arctic resulting from climatic warming.The PBSG evaluates available scientific information and assesses the status and ...
The USAID funded Wildlife Trafficking, Response, Assessment and Priority Setting (Wildlife TRAPS) Project, implemented by IUCN and TRAFFIC, has been operational since February 14th, 2013. Since… The ...
How to apply Preparation of the proposal Step 1: SS Chairs and members may identify activities/projects for 2024-2025 aligned with their registered targets. Please note that each SSC Group can only ...