Lara Honnor passes on skills for life by teaching local children the joy of growing food and being outdoors. Tending to the Roots of our Children’s Mental Health Louis Weinstock explains how ...
Glennie Kindred explores the stories and energy of winter solstice and explains how we can celebrate this earth festival and connect with nature. The Sun enters the sign of Capricorn as her rays shine ...
Andy and Ella Portman describe the creation of their new garden and Taoist spirit in which it was made. Taking Refuge in Permaculture Andrew Bradford explains how a United Nations refugee camp in ...
Charles is a pioneer of organic and no dig growing since 1983, creating and cropping four market gardens, the largest of seven acres. His no dig method is being trialled and used by the RHS, National ...
Maddy Harland, Manda Scott and Rupert Read explore how we can all use Transformative Adaptation to create a path towards a flourishing future. Transformative Adaptation (TrAd) helps us to transform ...
Cathy Ashley takes us on a tour of her permaculture home – an 'evolving' council house on a quest to become a farm! Patrick Whitefield looks at whether permaculture can feed the world whilst reducing ...
Permaculture educator and founder of Managed Retreat, a bioregional magazine and project. James Piers Taylor's Website Follow James Piers Taylor on social media: ...
Teenager, Huw Richards, wants to see kids studying and practising permaculture. He discovered it by chance, but doesn't want others to rely on luck. Why Diversity is Important in Permaculture ...