Gender-focused national climate action plans could help tackle rising violence against women linked to extreme weather.
Africa must take ownership of its HIV response, write Izukanji Sikazwe and Magda Robalo, co-chairs of the African-led HIV ...
Africa has higher levels of genetic diversity than any other continent, providing great opportunity to investigate ...
Avant le tour des enfants, la campagne de vaccination lancée les 5 et 6 octobre dans le Nord et le Sud-Kivu vise d’abord les ...
Une table ronde organisée à l’occasion des 80 ans de l’Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD) a souligné le rôle « essentiel » des scientifiques dans un pays.
“The red spider mite thrives in drought,” he explained, adding: “The rainfall rate in Wadi Al-Hai has decreased from 270 mm annually to 50 mm in recent years, in addition to high temperatures and dust ...
Health authorities try to trace people who may be at risk. [KIGALI] The World Health Organization (WHO) is readying emergency ...
A charity in the Philippines is training dogs for disaster preparedness as the threat of devastating disasters looms over the ...
Seth Berkley, ancien directeur général de Gavi, et Samba O. Sow, ancien ministre de la Santé du Mali, montrent la voie à ...
تقول بولين لشبكة SciDev.Net: ”تدمير جميع المدارس تقريبًا يعني أننا خسرنا التعليم لمدة تتراوح بين عامين إلى خمسة أعوام على الأقل“. لقد أدت الحرب الحالية في غزة إلى تعطيل تعليم 625000 طالب، وأثرت على ...
جهود التكيف مع آثار تغير المناخ لا تزال "مجزأة وغير متساوية" مرور عام على ’التقييم العالمي‘ للعمل المناخي مع ظهور علامات تقدم ...
In much of the western tropical Pacific, the sea level has risen approximately 10–15 centimetres or nearly twice the global rate measured since 1993, while in the central tropical Pacific, sea level ...