"Subsistence' is the word used to describe a traditional way of life among many Alaska Natives. In a physical sense, it refers to the practice of relying on the surrounding environment as a source ...
The International Whaling Commission (IWC) allows for whaling on otherwise protected animals when it is conducted by certain indigenous people to satisfy subsistence needs. The rules for aboriginal ...
A subsistence allowance is paid each month while enrolled in the Veteran Readiness and Employment program (VR&E). The allowance is based on type of training, rate of attendance (full or part time ...
Archaeologists who study ancient subsistence are interested in how people went about acquiring food and other resources from the surrounding environment. Subsistence activities include not only food ...
将野生动植物保护、可持续生计和国民经济三者相联系 《濒危物种公约》是最早生效的多边环境协定。与《拉姆萨尔湿地公约》、《生物多样性公约 ...
(利迈路透电)菲律宾渔民多米尼科在马尼拉湾捕鱼40多年,经历过无数风暴,却没想到今年7月一艘油轮在当地海域沉没,引发一场环境大灾难,断绝他和其他渔民的生计。 运载140万公升工业 ...
Anderson, Eugene N. and Anderson, Barbara A. 2023. A Method in Our Madness: Experiences With Seeking Local Knowledge. Journal of Ethnobiology, Vol. 43, Issue. 1, p. 6 ...
HOUSE Speaker Martin Romualdez said the subsistence allowance of soldiers would increase by more than double under the 2025 ...
澳门世界杯1/8淘汰赛,林诗栋又一次与老大哥樊振东碰面!之前的新加坡大满贯赛上,林诗栋4-1爆冷战胜老大哥樊振东。也让 ...
与此同时,新冠大流行更加对妇女的工作和生计造成影响。 《世界妇女》是联合国经社部统计司自1990年以来每五年出版一次的旗舰报告。本次报告 ...
据《辽宁日报》8月25日消息,辽宁省委组织部8月25日发布拟任领导职务人选公示。 其中:苑振超,男,汉族,1987年1月生,在职研究生学历,硕士 ...
一轮弯月、一只作跳跃状的兔子、一只口衔仙草的蟾蜍……湖南长沙,马王堆汉墓出土的T形帛画上,充满自然气息和神秘色彩 ...