Before her big-budget roles, Sweeney took minor roles in indie films like Reality and Immaculate, establishing herself across various genres while building connections with major studios like Sony.
The star has become one of the industry's most in-demand actresses, and has capitalized by lining up a savvy range of feature projects in multiple genres.
Sydney Sweeney凭借在《亢奋》中的出色表现赢得了观众的喜爱。这部聚焦于青少年生活的剧集不仅揭示了青春期的种种挑战,也展现了年轻一代的真实情感。然而,当Sweeney走上Met Gala的红毯时,她展现出了与剧中截然不同的风采。当晚,她身着一袭金色礼服,仿佛是从镀金时代穿越而来,优雅中带着几分神秘感,令人眼前一亮。这一造型不仅契合了今年Met ...