Programmable unijunction transistors (PUT) are three-terminal thyristors that are triggered into conduction when the voltage at the anode exceeds the voltage at the gate. The PUT is similar to the ...
Unijunction transistors (UJTs) are three-terminal devices that have only one PN junction. When an aluminum lead is attached at one side of a bar or block of N-doped silicon, the attachment point ...
Abstract: A circuit that achieves linear wide-range voltage-amplitude to pulse-width conversion is presented. The circuit combines a unijunction transistor operating in an inverted mode, a field- ...
WEEK 3: Thyristor: basic characteristics, Shockley diode and three-terminal thyristor, related power thyristor, diac and triac, unijunction transistor and trigger thyristor, field-controlled thyristor ...
When you think of simple synths, what components come to mind? All you really need to make one is an oscillator, an amplifier, and some kind of input such that you can play different notes.
Over the recent weeks here at Hackaday, we’ve been taking a look at the humble transistor. In a series whose impetus came from a friend musing upon his students arriving with highly developed ...
In this repository, I will try to maintain a list of the most common components in electronics. Specially, the ones that passed the test of time, the ones that distinguished themselves by having ...