In August, authorities set a goal to increase the proportion of urban residents to 70 percent of China's population within ...
Xi's approach to rural vitalization has consistently highlighted the importance of developing local economies based on their ...
新中国成立75年来,中国不断深化对生态文明建设的规律性认识,国际社会对此有目共睹。英国格拉斯哥大学客座教授阿西特·比斯瓦斯、跨学科研究院教授塞西莉亚·托塔哈达和中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所研究员汤秋鸿近日在《中国日报》撰文称,中国生态环境保护成效显 ...
GaijinPot on MSN11 小时
Jobs Outside the Big Cities of Japan
In this overview of jobs outside the big cities of Japan, we first give you some advantages and disadvantages of living away ...
Since 2022, Nagchu, Xizang autonomous region, has been promoting rural vitalization by making cultural preservation a source ...
This year's festival holds special significance. Following the devastating impact of Super Typhoon Yagi, which made landfall ...
At the FOCAC, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced the ten partnership actions for China and Africa to jointly promote ...
中新网9月22日电 据中国驻以色列大使馆微信公众号“以馆为家”22日消息,当前,以黎边境局势高度紧张,军事冲突频发,以色列当地安全形势依然严峻复杂多变。 中国驻以色列使馆再次特别提醒在以中国公民密切关注形势发展变化,进一步提高警惕,做好防范导弹、火箭弹、无人机等各类袭击的准备,切实加强安全防范措施,切勿麻痹大意。
Shanghai's outlying Fengxian District is setting its sights on becoming a key hub for advanced manufacturing, innovation and ...
Shanghai International Light Festival, the first of its kind in the city, has proven a popular option for night strolls among ...
大河网讯 为打通金融教育“最后一公里”,9月22日,交行郑州航空港区支行深入大马乡周家村乡村开展“担当新使命 消保县域行”为主题的金融教育宣传活动,旨在向村民普及教育金融知识,防范诈骗技巧,提升村民风险识别和安全防范能力。