The Florida Accounting Information Resource (FLAIR) is a double entry, computer-based, general ledger accounting system, which is utilized to perform the State's accounting and financial management functions.
Simply click on the FLAIR Host Logon link. You may then select the type of connection you require. You will automatically be connected to NASSAM (IW, RDS, Security) where you can enter your userid and password.
Employee Forms Direct Deposit - This is the direct deposit form that you as an employee will need to fill out for your pay to go EFT. You will need to print the form ... 2. Click on “Tuition Waiver Verification” under the “Universities & Community Colleges Only” section. 3. At this point, first time users may see a message box appear that says: “Security Alert - You are about to view pages over a secure connection.”
During Fiscal Year closing, FLAIR hours of availability are extended beyond 7:00 PM. Available hours are posted on the FLAIR website prior to Fiscal Year closing.
You may monitor payments made to you on our web site at All payments are shown, not just those made by direct deposit. The site does not show pending payments at this time. We also have an IVR system at (850) 413-7269 that may be used to monitor both pending payments and those already made.
Environment (MRE) software licenses from Information Builders for use by our FLAIR customers in the Information Warehouse. This arrangement provided a great cost savings to the State of Florida.