罗伯特·戈伯(Robert Gober)的艺术从创作之初就展现出非凡的一面,作品产生一种灵魂出窍之感;早期的《变换的绘画幻灯片》(Slides of a Changing Painting, 1982–83)中, 一张画上的八十九张摄影幻灯图反复更迭,此后这件作品成为了很多作品的创作源头。(这种画的 ...
During the AIDS epidemic in the 1980s, Robert Gober, along with other artists, used art to support the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (). [8]ACT UP was a large group of people that were infuriated by the lack of action from the government and scientists to stop the spread of AIDS and find a cure. [9] A few artists, including Gober, organized an art auction to help raise funds to donate to ACT UP.
罗伯特·戈伯(Robert Gober) 艺术家: 罗伯特·戈伯. 生于: 1954年9月12日;沃灵福德,康涅狄格,美国. 国籍: 美国. 流派: 概念艺术. 领域: 版画,雕塑,绘画,安装,摄影. Artist :Robert Gober. Additional Name :Robert Gober. Born : Wallingford, Connecticut, United States. Nationality :American. Art …