①隔了 is more casual than时隔, 时隔 is always used in writing and隔了 is used in daily life. ②时隔 can only be followed by time, but隔了 can be followed by distance, time and etc. eg. 隔了两天,隔了八公里,时隔多年。
2012年7月5日 · 时隔的英文: 【电】 time interval. 参考例句: The ferry service has restarted after an interval of 12 years. 时隔12年之后,轮渡服务又重新开通了。 The English Channel insulates Great Britain from France and Belgium. 英吉利海峡将英国同法国、比利时隔开来。
English definition and translation from Chinese of: 时隔 with examples on how to use, sound, pronunciation, stroke order animations for each character and more information on meaning and use.