computer network can be defined as the collection of computers, printers, and other equipment that are connected (wired or wireless), with the ultimate aim of fostering communications between the devices.
day-to-day life is the Computer network. By computer network we mean an interconnected set of autonomous computers. The term autonomous implies that the computers can function independent...
-Learn general principles of networks Goal: Teach the concepts underlying networks-How do networks work? What can one do with them?-Give you a basic understanding of the Internet-Give you experience using and writing protocols-Give you tools to …
There are various types of computer networks ranging from network of handheld devices (like mobile phones or tablets) connected through Wi-Fi or Bluetooth within
What is a Network? • A network refers to two or more connected computers that can share resources such as data, a printer, an Internet connection, applications, or a combination of these resources.
A network is a group of two of more computer systems sharing services and interacting in some manner. This interaction is, accomplished through a shared
Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, 8th edition Table of Contents Chapter 1 Computer Networks and the Internet 1.1 What Is the Internet? 1.1.1 A Nuts-and-Bolts Description 1.1.2 A Services Description 1.1.3 What Is a Protocol? 1.2 The Network Edge 1.2.1 Access Networks 1.2.2 Physical Media 1.3 The Network Core