How should I care for my skin around the tube? 1. Wash your hands with soap and warm water or use alcohol based hand sanitizer. 2. Clean your skin around the tube using soap, warm water, …
Follow flushing recommendations, which can be found in your Instructions For Use (IFU) or Care Guide to help prevent tube clogs. You’ll want to refer to your written directions for feeding …
You have been discharged with a gastrostomy tube, or G-tube. It is also called a gastrostomy feeding tube, stomach tube, or PEG tube. The G-tube was inserted through your belly …
Every day look at the skin around the tube. It should be clear clean and pink, just like the rest of your skin. A small amount of clear drainage is normal. Many people get a slight redness …
If you are unable to eat, or unable to eat enough food to meet your body’s needs, a feeding tube is a way to provide nutrients to your body. You will be getting food through a feeding tube …
Look closely at the skin around your g-tube everyday. If you see any redness, swelling, or pus (thick, yellow or white drainage), tell your healthcare provider. Remove the old bandage …
2016年3月28日 · The gastrostomy tube (GT) is a short feeding tube that goes directly into your stomach through a surgical incision called a stoma [STOH-muh]. The GT is soft and bendable. …
This information explains how to care for a feeding tube in your stomach or intestinal gastrointestinal (GI) tract. You can use the tube for nutrition and medication. The physician will …
Make sure the skin around the stoma is clean, dry, and healthy every time you use the g-tube. Clean the skin once a day. Clean the skin more often if it is wet or there is crusting around the …
After having Gastrostomy surgery, it is essential to take proper care of feeding/G-tubes at home to prevent infection or other complications. Read the full blog.