- "真实的名字 (zhēn shí de míng zì)" corresponds to "real name." It emphasizes the genuine and authentic nature of a person's name. - "真姓名 (zhēn xìng míng)" corresponds to "real name." It is a combination of "真" and "姓名," both meaning "name." - "实名制 (shí míng zhì)" corresponds to "real-name system."
I don't know your real name. 我不知道你的真实姓名。 He thought by this little trick to elicit butler's real name. 他想利用这个小小的花巧办法诱出巴特勒的真姓名来。 It was no more of affinity with my real name than black is of kin to white . 这同我的真姓名不相干,正如黑白不同一样。